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Tailored Strategies for every Artist Persona

You can pursue a successful artist career in many different ways. At Rexius Records, we try to help artist leapfrog the next few steps in their careers. Since every artist is unique we try to adapt a project to your needs. Therefore, a project with us can be shaped in several forms.

Over the years working with many different artists we have identified some groups of artists with similar needs. We call them artist personas and we use them to create a successful project together. The artist personas can be: The Artist, The Producer, The Performer, The Songwriter, The Band, and The Influencer.

Depending on how far you have already come, there are also some different career steps for emerging talents: New, Up-and-Coming, or Rising. We work with all of the above but in different ways.

To find out your artist persona, reflect upon the questions below. 

Why do you create music?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

How far have you already reached in your genre?

Would you rather push yourself or your music?

Do you spend more time thinking about music than your visual appearance as artist?

Are you willing to receive feedback?

How important is live performance for you?

What’s your vision with your music?

Would you rather be pushed by a project manager or take it in your own pace?

The Artist


  • Artistic Expression: Convey your artistic vision through music and visuals.
  • Audience Reach: Expand your reach with your art, personality, and music.


  • Audience Engagement: Create reactions and interactions with your audience.
  • Public Relations Impact: Achieve significant PR coverage.
  • Growth Metrics: Increase followers, listeners, and overall engagement.

Typical Projects

  • Artist Springboard
  • Artist Launch
  • AMP Pro
  • Dynamic Release Model
  • Team and Scope dependent on your unique situation

Key to success

  • High-Quality Music: Produce excellent music that resonates with your audience.
  • Visual Appeal: Develop a remarkable visual identity.
  • Uniqueness: Stand out with a distinctive style and approach.
  • Substance Beyond Music: Ensure there’s something intriguing about you, even without the music, for media and fans to discuss.
  • Clear Communication and Branding: Maintain a consistent and clear brand message.
  • Online Engagement: Be dedicated to consistent communication and interaction online.

How we can help

  • Tools and Support: Equip you with the resources needed to translate your artistic vision into reality.
  • Amplify Your Reach: Enhance your artistry’s visibility to attract a larger audience.
  • Expert Guidance: Provide the knowledge and expertise to implement effective strategies.

The producer


  • Audience Engagement: Get people to listen to your music.
  • Consistent Outreach: Access channels for regular promotion.
  • Collaborations: Work with great artists and topliners.
  • Brand Creation: Establish a recognizable brand


  • Increase Music Streams: Boost the number of streams for your tracks.
  • Recognition and Network: People reaching out to you for new collaborations

Typical Project

  • Song Release
  • Producer Launch

Key to success

  • High-Quality Music: Produce remarkable music and stay up to date with new techniques and tools.
  • Consistent Production: Maintain a steady output of great tracks.
  • Cost-Effective Production: Create your own studio setup to reduce production costs.
  • Network Access: Connect with artists, topliners, and excellent mix/master engineers.
  • Marketing team: Leverage Record Label to engage in effective marketing while you produce new songs.
  • Trend Adaptation: Stay informed and adapt to current music trends.

How we can help

  • Give the resources and support to create a lot of great music and reach out in an efficient way.
  • Network: Connect with our artists and partners

The band


  • Reputable Impact: Establish a lasting reputation as a notable band.
  • Organization: Get the band operations organized.
  • Gig Acquisition: Secure and perform at gigs.
  • Brand Development: Build a brand and platform to facilitate gig bookings.
  • Music Outreach: Expand the reach of your music.


  • Engagement: Increase interaction with your audience.
  • Gigs/Tours: Book more gigs and tours.
  • Streams: Boost the number of music streams.
  • PR Impact: Achieve significant media coverage.
  • Fans: Grow your fan base.

Typical Project

  • Artist Springboard
  • Dynamic Release Model
  • AMP Pro
  • Song Release
  • Management (active/passive)

Key to success

  • Great Music: Produce high-quality music.
  • Visual Appeal: Develop a remarkable visual identity.
  • Live Performance: Deliver outstanding live performances.
  • Uniqueness: Stand out with a distinctive style.
  • Substance Beyond Music: Ensure there’s more to discuss than just the music.
  • Clear Communication and Branding: Maintain a consistent and clear brand message.
  • Online Engagement: Be dedicated to consistent communication and interaction online.

How we can help

  • Vision Translation: Provide tools and support to translate your band’s vision.
  • Band Organization: Offer support to solve the organizational challenges.
  • Amplification: Enhance your reach to attract a larger audience.
  • Brand Creation: Assist in developing a strong brand.
  • Merch Creation: Help create and market band merchandise.

The Performer


  • Opportunities: Opportunities to perform live.
  • Song Creation: Access to songwriters and producers for creating music.
  • Audience Expansion: Reach a larger audience.


  • Networking: Connect with songwriters and producers.
  • Feature Appearances: Appear as the main or featured artist on notable releases.
  • Live Performances: Secure and perform live shows.

Typical Project

  • Artist Springboard
  • AMP Pro
  • Management (active/passive)
  • Cover song

Key to success

  • Remarkable Craft: Exceptional live performance and vocal skills.
  • Uniqueness: Stand out with a distinctive style.
  • Networking Abilities: Build strong connections within the industry.
  • Consistent Releases: Regularly appear on new releases with talented collaborators.
  • Showcase Talent: Demonstrate abilities through video content.

How we can help

    • Network Access: Provide access to a network of artists, producers, and songwriters.
    • Comprehensive Support: Offer resources, networks, and support to create music and efficiently reach a wider audience.

The Songwriter


  • Artistic Reach: Share your music without necessarily performing or being in the spotlight.
  • Collaborations: Find performers for your creations.


  • Remarkable Releases: Create and release outstanding music and art.
  • Engagement: Increase listener engagement.

Typical Project

  • Dynamic Release Model
  • Songwriter partnership
  • AMP Pro

Key to success

  • High-Quality Music: Produce excellent and appealing music.
  • Uniqueness: Maintain a distinctive style.
  • Consistency: Continuously produce original work.

How we can help

  • Vision Translation: Provide tools and support to bring your artistic vision to life.
  • Amplification: Enhance your reach to a broader audience
  • Network: Connecting your work with talent.

The Influencer


  • Self-Expression: Share your unique voice and personality.
  • Brand Outreach: Expand the reach of your personal brand.
  • Monetization: Generate income from your channel.


  • Audience Engagement: Create reactions and engage your followers.
  • Audience Growth: Build a larger, more loyal audience.
  • Monetization: Successfully monetize your audience.

Typical Project

  • Artist Springboard
  • Songwriting/Songwriting (Cover song) – Connect with talented producers
  • Dynamic Release Model

Key to success

  • Strong Brand: Develop a remarkable and recognizable brand.
  • Consistent Content: Regularly produce high-quality content.
  • Substance Beyond Music: Ensure your channel remains engaging, even without music.
  • Engaging Music: Use music to connect with and entertain your audience.
  • Clear Communication: Maintain clear and consistent brand messaging.

How we can help

  • Full Music Production Support: Assistance from songwriting to music release.
  • Music Audience Reach: Strategies to convert your audience and reach out on music platforms.
  • Monetization Strategies: Help with merch creation and other revenue streams.

To promote an artist vs a song

During the past years, we have come to realize that it is a huge difference in promoting a ‘Song’ vs an ‘Artist’ and it has greatly impacted the way we help artists and how we do the projects we are doing together. If you think about it, these are two completely different things. They are somewhat intertwined but does more or less work as two completely different processes in two different Silos. See our reasoning below:
  • Mood Setting: To create a specific atmosphere or emotional tone.
  • Contextual Use: For particular occasions or environments, like parties or relaxing in a lounge.
  • Genre Preference: Enjoyment of specific music styles that fit the moment.
  • Identity Connection: You resonate with the artist’s personal or artistic identity.
  • Song Style Consistency: Consistent enjoyment of the types of songs they produce.
  • Story and Journey: Interest in the artist’s background and ongoing story.
  • Symbolic Representation: The artist represents values, moods, or identities that you relate to and want to project.
  • Contextual Matching: Align the song with specific contexts and occasions.
  • Algorithmic Optimization: Define target audience, keywords that nudges the algorithm in the right way.
  • Playlist Inclusions: Aim for placement in curated playlists on streaming services based on your target audience.
  • Recommendations: Leverage related artist suggestions and algorithmic recommendations to promote the song on and on for you.


  • Establish Identity: Develop a clear and authentic artist identity.
  • Consistent Content: Produce and share content (videos, text, images) that aligns with this identity.
  • Amplify Reach: Use social media, regular media, paid ads, and PR stunts to amplify messages.
  • Targeted Communication: Ensure communication strategies match the intended audience.
  • Highest-Quality Music: Ensure the music is well-produced and appealing but also stands out within its context.
  • Playlist Compatibility: Match the song to the existing playlist landscape effectively.
  • Playlist Marketing and Curation: Do the work to pitch you music but also create and curate your own super relevant playlists.
  • Great Music: Produce consistently high-quality music.
  • Audience Alignment: Tailor content and messaging to resonate with your audience.
  • Visual Appeal: Invest in great branding, visuals, merch and imagery.
  • Creativity and Work Ethic: Maintain a strong work ethic and creative content creation process.
  • Budget: Allocate a substantial budget for promotions and marketing.

Streams, saves, Radio Plays, Sync deals


Exposure (Awareness / Recognition / Consideration / Following)

This affects how you structure a release project depending on if your goal is to get exposure or to get people to listen to your songs. Typically, it is much cheaper to promote a ‘song’ rather than an ‘Artist’. Some artists have the goal to get a lot of exposure and some want their music to speak for itself.

For us, it’s important for you to know if you would like us to promote your songs or to promote your identity. 

6 steps of an Artist’s Career

1. New Artist

  • Characteristics: Just starting out, minimal public presence.
  • Goals: Build foundational skills, release initial music.
  • What to focus on: Artist branding, produce high-quality music, initial song releases.

2. Rising Talent

  • Characteristics: Gaining traction, growing fanbase.
  • Goals: Increase exposure, perform at local venues, reach 1 million streams
  • What to focus on: EP releases, regional performances, release music, algorithmic performance, radio

3. Emerging Artist

  • Characteristics: Recognized within a niche, steady fanbase.
  • Goals: Secure larger gigs, refine brand identity.
  • What to focus on: Album releases, booking agents, national tours,

4. Established Artist

  • Characteristics: Well-known in the industry, substantial fanbase.
  • Goals: Maintain and grow audience, innovate in music and performance.
  • What to focus on: Major album releases, significant media presence.

5. Upcoming Star

  • Characteristics: Noticeable industry presence, larger fanbase.
  • Goals: Release polished content, enhance media presence.
  • What to focus on: Major album releases, international tours.

6. Superstar

  • Characteristics: Widely recognized, significant influence.
  • Goals: Sustain career longevity, diversify artistic ventures.
  • What to focus on: Global tours, endorsements, multimedia projects.


Identify where you are right now

By identifying your artist persona and your career stage, then we can identify what’s the next step in your career and tailor a project according to your needs.

Wondering more in detail what we do? Please read this guide.