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I have received a copyright claim on my video from Symphonic Distribution. Should I do anything?

< 1 min read

The song has been distributed via YouTube Content ID, and YouTube has automatically detected the audio in the artist’s lyric video and placed a copyright claim on it. This is expected behavior, and it means that the system is monetizing the video on behalf of the rights holder (Rexius Records) through Content ID.

What Happens Next? #

  1. The copyright claim does not take the video down – it simply monetizes it for us.
  2. Revenue from ads on the lyric video will be collected through YouTube Content ID and will be paid out as part of the regular royalty payments from your distributor.
  3. You don’t need to dispute the claim

Should we take any action? #

  • No action is needed if your goal is to earn royalties from the lyric video while keeping it on YouTube.
  • This is a normal process and it ensures ad revenue flows through the Content ID system.

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